A PrimeFaces theme and JSF responsive template based on Bootstrap and AdminLTE

AdminFaces is an open source project which integrates Primefaces, Bootstrap and Admin LTE in order to create fully responsive and mobile ready JSF applications.

AdminFaces is composed by the following projects:

Admin Theme: Is a Primefaces theme based on Bootstrap and Admin LTE where Primefaces components are customized to look like mentioned frameworks.

Admin Template: It's a fully responsive Java Server Faces admin template which is also based on Bootstrap and Admin LTE.

Admin Showcase: A web application using admin-theme and template showing AdminFaces main features and components.

Admin Designer: A showcase application used to customize Admin Theme and Template. This application is used to evolve AdminFaces as well.

Admin Starter: A simple starter project to get you started with AdminFaces.

Admin Persistence: CRUD operations like a breeze for AdminFaces applications based on Apache DeltaSpike Data module.

Admin Starter SpringBoot: Admin Starter application based on SpringBoot and JoinFaces.

Admin Mobile: Admin showcase mobile application using Android webview.

Admin Docs: a project that holds AdminFaces documentation.

Theme: Admin Theme

Admin Theme is an open source premium PrimeFaces theme where components are styled to look like AdminLTE and Bootstrap.


See screenshots to get an idea.


For usage details see Admin Theme documentation .

Template: Admin Template

Admin Template is a fully responsive Java Server Faces admin template based on Bootstrap and Admin LTE.

Following is Admin Template main features:

Fully responsive
Two menu modes, left and horizontal based menu
Layout customization via Control Sidebar
Material design load bar
Material design inputs and flat buttons
Touch enabled menu to slide in/out (see here)
Automatically activates (highlight) menu based on current page
Breadcrumb based navigation, see showcase example
Custom error pages

Template: Admin Template

Highly configurable, see configurations documentation
High resolution and responsible icons based on Glyphycons and FontAwesome
Builtin dark and light skins
Menu itens search
Back to previous screen when logging in again after session expiration
Auto show and hide navbar based on page scroll
Scroll to top
Ripple effect based on materialize css


See screenshots for a better idea.


For usage details see Admin Template documentation .

Showcase: Admin Showcase

Admin Showcase is a showcase web application, deployed on openshift, which demonstrates AdminFaces main features and components. Note that the Showcase uses Admin Template and Theme.

See Admin Showcase live demo here

Starters: Admin Starters

Admin Starters are sample projects to get you started with AdminFaces. Below is a short description of current starters:


See screenshots for a better idea.


For running instructions access each starter github README.


We have maven archetypes for some starter projects, see available starters here.

See Admin Starter live demo here

Documentation: Documentation

Current version (under development) of documentation can be found here.

Following is documentation for each released version: